Things that hold humanity back in consciousness and hold back True Freedom from manifesting:

• UNCHECKED EGO - Ego-identity and ego attachments. Self-preservation as a higher goal than doing what’s right. Identifying purely with the physical body as if that’s the totality of who you are (i.e. “I AM my gender, I AM my race, I AM my sexuality, etc”). Believing that truth/reality is whatever you want it to be or what you’re comfortable with (solipsism). The perpetual “ME ME ME” mindset which leads to divisive ideologies, the cult mentality, and immoral violations of the inherent Rights of others who “aren’t like you.” Not letting go of illusions and false beliefs; willful ignorance; not being able to say “I WAS WRONG.”

• PACK MENTALITY - This goes along with ego-identity. It's collectivist "us vs. them" group-think whether it be based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, etc. People with this mindset tend to have zero concept of freedom or sovereignty in principle, applying these ideas only to themselves – the "MY freedom, screw you" mindset. This results in immoral behavior such as putting up razor wiring along a "state/country border" as well as hacking, doxxing, canceling, or other such infringements upon someone else's privacy, security, and well-being. The CULT-ure must be protected. Pack Mentality is extreme low-consciousness thought and rooted in the following limiter.

• MORAL RELATIVISM - Thinking that morality is entirely subjective, that “what’s right for me is right.” Absolute decimation of Conscience. Moral Relativism is the true “original sin.” It is the rejection of true, objective Moral Law which exists inherently in Creation; the subjective arbitration of truth and morality. It is the REAL pandemic in our world and one of the primary tenets of Ideological Satanism. It is the "foundation" of all false religion, all government and "law," and all egotism.

• UNI-DIMENSIONAL THINKING - Making blanket-statement assumptions about certain ideas, concepts, words, symbols, and so on. Example 1: assuming anything under the term "occult" is dangerous, evil, or absurd due to willful ignorance of what the word itself means and what knowledge it contains. Example 2: thinking that an entire group of people are guilty (or potentially guilty) because of the actions of a few individuals within that group. This relates to the Pack Mentality limiter.

• FALSE BELIEFS ABOUT HUMAN NATURE - Believing that we are “just animals,” or that we are inherently vicious. Also the opposite of that, believing that we’re all inherently good. No understanding that human nature is programmable: good info goes in, good output; bad info goes in, bad output. We are beings with Free Will who can make conscious choices based on the information we take in. We can override bad programming through an act of will. We are not ruled or defined by our genes. Consciousness is key.

• PSY-OPS - Buying into stand-down political movements (i.e. Q-Anon, Operation Trust, etc); buying into erroneous social world-views (i.e. transhumanism, critical race theory, etc); buying into irrational, unscientific, and outright false ideologies regarding the nature of reality (i.e. flat earth, artificial simulation theory, etc). This ties into one of the Satanic “sins” – Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies – which they push onto society in order to trick people into falling for untrue notions and concepts repackaged into something “new.”

• THE EXTERMINATION OF IMAGINATION - No ability to imagine a different way of being, that everything is “just the way it is” and can’t ever be changed. This is the continuance of the control of what people believe is possible. If you can’t imagine freedom, you won’t fight for it. This is why daydreaming is immediately discouraged in children - to kill the imagination early on. This not only destroys our ability to visualize possibility, but fosters the irrational fear of the unknown.

• THE BELIEF IN AUTHORITY - The belief that some human beings have some magical “right” to declare what morality is or isn’t through “laws,” that everyone else are morally obligated to obey those edicts. It is the deification of mortal men. This belief perpetuates tyranny, coercion and duress, and is rooted in deep-seated abandonment issues and the denial of personal response-ability. It is the total antithesis to human sovereignty. You cannot be both governed and free simultaneously. Authority = Slavery.

• RELIGION / SCIENTISM - The continued acceptance of traditional religious or “scientific” dogma through 1) right-brain imbalanced blind belief/faith or left-brain imbalanced rigid skepticism rather than employing Trivium-based truth-discovery methods; and 2) the suppression of true human origins via Darwinian Evolutionism or Abrahamic Creationism. These belief systems also reinforce the purely evil notion of “salvationism” (that something outside of ourselves will rescue us from our own ignorance, apathy, and inaction whether it be politicians, holy avatars, mystical forces, ET races, or artificial intelligence systems) rather than the understanding that WE create our conditions and are ultimately responsible for changing them through an act of will.

I may add to this list later.