People tend to accept the idea of karma – that a person will experience consequences for doing something they shouldn’t – but it never goes beyond the individual. If someone’s steals something or hurts someone, we usually say “they’ll get what’s coming to them.” And then when the person does face their consequences we say “karma’s a bitch.”

So, in general, we seem to accept this level of cause and effect, but usually attribute it to very tangible means of detection like forensics or CCTV footage. The idea that there is an intangible Law in effect that governs the consequences of our behavior is too “metaphysical” for most of us to consider. You either get caught or you don’t. The thing is, karma doesn’t work instantly. In some cases, it may seem like it does, but it’s far more encompassing than that. This is why a lot of immoral behavior continues to go on without immediate consequence. If karma was instant, all wrong-doers would stop their wrong-doing pretty quickly.

So, how does it work, then? Simply put, it works upon entire populations over a period of time. If a majority continues to live immorally, consequences manifest on an aggregate level. This isn’t easy to qualify due to the amount of time involved, but it can be done. The problem is, no one wants to make that observation. We want everything to happen now. We want results now, and karma just doesn’t work that way.

Take a look at the world around you. Do we have peace? Do we have true freedom? Do we have little suffering? No. We have constant war and conflict. We are at each other’s throats over meaningless differences. We are under the rule of psychopaths who keep us in constant fear over one phantom threat or another. Men are against women, and vice versa. We’ve traded our values and principles for conveniences and illusions of security. We choose belief systems that placate our egos rather than seeking any kind of spiritual truth. We tolerate evil and hand over our power and responsibility to those perpetuating that evil in order to be protected from evil! It’s insanity!

And what’s the result? We’ve been doing this since humanity has existed. Has anything improved? Are we progressing and evolving as a species? Are we more enlightened? Can we exercise our inherent Rights without restriction, or are there “laws” in place? Are we truly free and sovereign, or are we under some form of slavery?

Now look at the past. Examine different civilizations throughout history. Look at the difference between eras of prosperity and collapse. Where were these civilizations morally? Did they have governments in place or did they live in harmony with true principles? Did they exercise conscience or did they hand that responsibility over to a ruling class? And then, as people continued to decline into acts of murder, assault, rape, theft, coercion and so on, did those “justice systems” maintain peace and order, or did they escalate the problem?

This is what happens when a people are ignorant of the Laws of Morality, who choose to define morality according to their own whims and preferences, or base them on someone else’s whims like a religious text or a politician’s parchment. As morality decreases, prosperity decreases, peace decreases, and suffering increases. Then “governments” are created by people who want to play on that suffering, and play on peoples’ fears, offering “solutions” which only erode their freedoms and enslave them.

And then, what happens? That civilization declines into more immoral behavior, more apathy, more cowardice, more laziness, and more suffering and slavery until it finally perishes. This is a pattern you can observe over and over and over throughout history, and it’s a pattern we’re repeating again.

The underlying methods of control never change because we never learn. They evolve and become more insidious, but the strategies are consistent. We are given old, tried-and-true, false belief systems repackaged into something “new,” and we fall for them. They’re there to dissuade us from the truth of Moral Law, to keep us externalizing our power and responsibility, to keep us docile and dependent on the ruling class whether it’s a pharaoh, a king, or a government. If we understood and abided by that Law, we’d abolish these systems. We wouldn’t face an inevitable demise as a civilization or as a whole species. We’d actually flourish for once.

Whether you want to call it Karma, Moral Law, Universal Law or Natural Law, it’s a very real thing, and it does not discriminate. If a majority continues to ignore it and live by its own whims, those who do abide by it suffer all the same. Aggregate immoral behavior receives aggregate consequences. If you want to experience positive consequences, you have to change your behavior. Not only that, you have to influence others to do the same.

Why continue down this path? Why keep repeating this pattern of self-destruction just because you don’t want to accept Natural Law as real and in effect? Are you really that egotistical? Does that hubris make you feel special? Millions (and now billions) have been so certain of their own erroneous ideas of truth and morality for thousands of years, and has anything improved as a result? Did we achieve freedom? Did we achieve sovereignty? Or are we still a stagnant, ignorant race of mental children decorating our chains with flair?

Discover the truth for once. Discover Natural Law. Get your heart and mind in harmony with it, and start doing the right thing. Teach it to others. It’s not an easy task. It’s the hardest work in the world, but it’s the only moral path… the path we’ve yet to take as a human race. Give it a try. Traverse into that uncharted territory with courage, with love. This is how we change the world. This is how we end slavery once and for all… even if we have to do it one mind at a time.