I don't debate the shape of the earth. I really don't care. When it comes to The Great Work it’s one of the least important things to worry about. I honestly do not understand the obsession with this. The entire flat earth model is based on occult allegory. It's not literal. Do you really think Earth is a flat plane under a dome being held up by pillars? This model also contradicts one of the biggest dark occult events: the Season of Sacrifice. Have you ever thought that maybe the psychopaths in power are pushing this idea to keep people from ever recognizing and understanding it?

But let's say we find out definitively that the earth is flat. Then what? What did that accomplish? Does that knowledge help us overcome evil? Does it help us end human slavery on earth? Does it magically make us all conscious beings with conscience? No, it doesn't. We need to be focusing on what's happening ON the earth, especially in human consciousness. We're still a majority of dupes who believe in "authority" and false religions. We're still a majority of moral relativists who can't properly define what a Right is and continue to violate the Rights of others based on selfish, ego-based nonsense. We need to get our hearts and minds in order. We need to focus INWARDLY and do some serious shadow work.

I'm not saying that such information isn't important at all, but right now... all the flat earth rhetoric is is a distractive, progress-stifling cul-de-sac. It's a psy-op to keep us away from what matters most and to make anyone talking about real freedom look ridiculous. While people are bickering over the shape of the earth, evil continues to rule. Some of us are trying to teach the knowledge and requirements for creating real change in the world, and this nonsense – along with the "Hitler was a good guy" and the "it's the Jeewwwws" idiocy – is making that more difficult.

Once we fix our crisis in consciousness – stop supporting and condoning the institutions of "authority," stop engaging in wrong behavior toward our fellow beings, get ourselves back in harmony with Natural Law, and evolve the way we were meant to – THEN we can start looking into all these other things. We'll make greater strides, greater progress in science, medicine, spirituality, and so on. We'll find our way into the cosmos without restriction and maybe even become a Type 1 Civilization. But we'll never get there until we get our collective shit together, evolve into truly moral beings, and say NO to evil. That's the #1 priority... IF we want to create true freedom, true peace, true prosperity. We're not doing that, though... We're bickering over non-issues.

We'll figure out the mysteries of the cosmos AFTER we fix the mess that's happening ON the planet and in the consciousness of humanity. Everything else is secondary.