There's a lot of talk of reality as being a simulation. Scientists are considering this, and the researcher David Icke is certain of it. The problem with their perspective is that they're looking at it from a very limited view, postulating that our reality is some kind of artificial / alien projection. I'm not ruling it out, but I'm not on board with it.

From my understanding, I see reality as the mental construct of God (or whatever you want to call that force). It's like being in a lucid dream where The Dreamer is all the characters in the dream but with limited, individuated awareness. We're all The Dreamer. We're all part of that whole, but we experience this dream as unique expressions of it. Like the comedian Bill Hicks said:

"we're all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively; there's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves."

I think he was onto something.

So reality is a "simulation" but not in an artificial sense. It's energy, vibration, light, frequency. We have the illusion of matter: it's all quite holographic. And within that construct, we are small-c creators and small-d dreamers. We can direct the dream... BUT... there are boundary conditions. We can create anything we want as free-will monads of consciousness, but we cannot escape the consequences of the actions we take.

If we live in accordance with those Conditions or Laws, we can create a beautiful experience of peace, prosperity, and freedom. If we ignore and violate those Laws, we'll create only suffering, ultimately making a prison for ourselves. Unfortunately, we've chosen the latter. We think WE can decide what those Laws are as monads. We've forgotten the whole point of the dream and Who is ultimately dreaming it. 

So, what are the Laws of the dream? We have the Laws that govern the structure of the dream (the physical laws like gravity, electromagnetism, inertia, and quantum mechanics), but we also have Laws that govern the dreamer such as the Laws of Cause & Effect or Correspondence (what we do to others will be done to us). In the simplest sense, these Spiritual Laws can be reduced to two things: Don't Take What Isn't Yours and Don't Cause Harm. We are a part of Nature, so to think there are no Laws that apply to us specifically is utter hubris. 

All we have to do is recognize and abide by these Laws. We can't make up our own. We know that Gravity is real, and we have a basic understanding of how it works, so we know not to step off a cliff. We have to understand the Spiritual Laws of Behavior in the same way. We can't be the arbiters of Right and Wrong. The Creator put these Laws into effect. Don't harm other beings and don't take what doesn't belong to you. Some harm is inevitable, but we can make a conscious choice to cause the least amount of harm possible. That's called exercising Conscience.

But what have we done instead? We've created a nightmare. We've forgotten Who We Are. We've forgotten why we're here. We've replaced the Laws of the dream with our own, having accepted the illusion of duality and separation as real and valid, believing the ego-self is the totality of who or what we are. As a result, we've created never-ending gratuitous conflict, suffering, and chaos. We think some small-d dreamers have more Rights than others, or have authority over others. But we're all part of the whole; and as individual monads, we have to remember that. We are to respect the experience of each dreamer. We all enter the dream under the same Laws, with the same Rights. We're all co-creators and co-experiencers of the dream. Our unique differences are just part of the experience. They don't make some dreamers more valid, more special, or more superior than others.

And then when we "die," all we're doing is waking up from the dream. Do we come back to experience it again? I think we do. It's an ongoing learning experience (not some alien trap as Icke would suggest). Some of us come back to try to tell others,

"Hey! There's no reason to be afraid! All this chaos can end! This is just a dream and we can make it whatever we want! BUT! There are conditions. There are Laws we have to abide by. We need to stop all the bad behavior, and abandon all these ridiculous beliefs. We're all in this dream together. No one is better than anyone else. So don't take what isn't yours and don't harm each other. Stop trying to rule each other. Stop making up your own 'laws,' they're already established! Just abide by them and we'll create a beautiful dream!"

But sadly, no one listens... and the nightmare continues. It doesn't have to. We just have to make a choice: Fear or Love?


And since the whole of reality is a dream, and the Laws apply wherever you go within the dream, then they also apply to other forms of intelligent life in the universe. If you think non-human intelligent civilizations exist out there, they are bound by the same Laws. There's no such thing as beings having a "different set of morals," because morality is an objective Law. Some of them might think they do, but they don't. We are all morally culpable for our actions no matter where you are in the universe.

You hear about people claiming to be visited and abducted by aliens, and some are frightening stories while others are positive. To those who say their experience was positive, just think about this: if a being enters your home in the dead of night, takes you from your bed, and does things to you against your will, they don't have good intentions no matter what story they give you. They tell you you're special to make you cooperate. Perhaps they're unaware of the Law, or perhaps they don't care.

Regardless of who or what the dreamer is, we all have the Right to life, well-being, autonomy, security, and freedom. Never let another dreamer take those things from you. Do no harm, do not steal. It's a simple Law to live by no matter who, what, when or where you are in the dream.