Christianity that you know today is a perversion – a desecration of a genuine spiritual philosophy of Truth and Freedom which understood the ancient story of the solar hero as allegory, not as literal. They did not take the figure of Christ as historical but as symbolic of Truth itself. The original philosophy was never about subjugating oneself before holy avatars and idols, and it never taught salvation as something that you must externalize. They saw salvation as a personal responsibility through Gnosis (knowledge of Truth) and attaining Christ Consciousness.

"Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."

Modern-day Christianity is the co-opted version that does NOT teach self-empowerment and self-salvation through Truth, but that you are a powerless, unworthy sinner who must be perpetually on your knees. Instead of emphasizing the importance of Truth, it encourages belief (blind faith) and that belief is all that's necessary to be "saved." Belief accomplishes nothing. Belief is NOT Truth. Truth is known, not believed. From that knowledge one can then act rightfully in the world. Belief can often lead to wrong action or no action at all. Plus, the "believe or else" aspect of salvationism is coercive, and coercion is immoral.

This false variant of Christianity wants you submissive to authority and inactive – not taking Right Action in the world but waiting for some celestial hero to save you. It does not emphasize Objective Morality, but is based on arbitrary "morality," calling personal vices (lust, greed, jealousy, gluttony, etc) immoral behaviors or "sins." The true sins would be: murder, assault, rape, theft, trespass, coercion, and deception. Do you see the qualitative difference between these things? How many of the true sins have been done in the name of the church, or even in the name of Jesus? Vices (or false "sins"), on the other hand, are nothing more than internal emotions or actions done to the self. Objective Morality is based on our actions towards other beings (human or animal). While harming oneself may be unwise, your body is your property. Harming others is an act of theft – a violation of life, rights and freedom.

Even though most Christians are familiar with The Golden Rule, how many of them live by it? The false variant doesn't emphasize it. It doesn't teach you to live your life in the example of Jesus, but to see him as some kind of impossible standard that shouldn't even be aspired to, only worshipped. The Creator of Love and Law does not expect or desire worship because that attitude and desire comes from ego, and only mortals have ego. 

Christianity is a mixture of various other belief systems and ideologies including the Roman belief in Sol Invictus (sun worship). That's why in the exoteric version you are encouraged to WORSHIP Jesus because his story (which is not his exclusively) is an astrotheological allegory about the Sun. The Sun has always been symbolic of Truth, the Light of the World, the Savior of humanity, the Morning Star, the Life essence.

Instead of being taught the deeper esoteric nature of this story, Exoteric Christianity encourages literal interpretation as historical fact... but it isn't. There may or may not have been a man that this particular "Christian" narrative is based on, but the Christ figure is purely symbolic of Truth itself and how living in Truth (not belief) is what saves you.

The word "Christ" derives from the Greek kristos which means "holy, virtuous." It isn't a surname, it's an appellative (e.g. Jesus the Christ). In Esoteric Christianity, to have Christ Consciousness is to have Conscience, to be whole in thought, emotion and action.

Christianity today is nothing but Atonism with a variety of other things mixed in, and then given to the masses as not only a replacement for Truth, but as means to dissuade you from discovering it. A True Esoteric Christian knows this – that salvation has nothing to do with an external savior and that we are all responsible for our own Freedom. There is no one coming to free us. There are no celestial authorities waiting to descend and save us from our own suffering. WE must align ourselves with Truth, with Morality, with Natural Law, and take Right Action in the world as the Christ figure himself did in that story.


Anyone who calls themselves "Christian" and yet continues to believe that other human beings have a right to be in "authority" over other human beings, you are idolaters and blasphemers. You are "Christian" in name only. By believing in government and condoning their actions, you are believing in slavery and condoning violence. You are practicing Satanism, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Such “Christians” are convinced by the church that the “original sin” of Genesis was disobedience, that the act of disobeying an order to not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is what led to our corrupted condition. They don’t examine that story any further. They don’t recognize the allegory therein. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is symbolic of Moral Law inherent in Nature. Eating from the Tree represents the act of deciding right and wrong for oneself. In other words, moral relativism. See my presentation “Original Sin” for more detail.

Because of moral relativism, we've allowed people who think they can decide what right and wrong are to claim "authority" and call themselves "government." Then they call their arbitrary whims "law." No human being can create a Law. No human being can create a Right, take them away, or delegate "rights" that don't exist. No human being has the right to rule regardless of how many others believe they can.

As you continue to idolize, vote for, and condone the actions of psychopaths who think they are your owners and rulers – who call themselves "AUTHOR-ity" – you continue to reject the Natural Law of God. You don't get to decide morality for yourself, and you have zero "right" to continue to believe in and support this system. It is not ordained by God, I don't care what Romans 13 says. Think about the name: ROMANS... the very state that murdered Jesus and then turn around and tell you it's godly to "obey the ruling authorities."

A true Christian recognizes and abides by only one Law and one Authority. Anything less is slavery. That Law is simple: do no harm and do not take that which isn't rightfully yours such as the property, life, rights and freedom of other beings. Government is the antithesis of these things. It's pure evil. It's illegitimate and immoral. It's Satanic.


You cannot be free and governed at the same time. If you want freedom you have to abandon this Satanic belief in "authority" and align yourselves to True Objective Morality. Spit out the forbidden fruit. Stop this insanity. Recognize that ALL beings are Sovereign, not just you and your ilk. You are not the decider or arbiter of morality. You do not have a "right" to encroach upon other beings' freedom just to maintain your comforts. All must be free under Natural Law, or none are free.

If you want to be honest when you say you're Christian, you'll do this. True Christianity isn't a religion, it's a way of being in the world. It's living in harmony with God's Law, doing what's right rather than what's easy or comfortable. It's abiding by the Golden Rule which I will state apophatically:

Do NOT do unto others which you would not want done unto you.

It's living by the Non-Aggression Principle and the Self-Defense Principle. Do no harm, but take no shit. All we do is cause harm by the way we think, believe, and then enact in the world because of moral relativism.

We CAN change course, though. That's what the Jesus story is trying to tell you. It's not about belief, it's about Right Action, Right Livelihood, not living on your knees and waiting for a savior while evil continues to rule. YOU are the savior. We save ourselves by changing ourselves, respecting ourselves, taking in TRUTH rather than religious bunk, saying NO to evil, and behaving like conscious moral beings.

But no, we can't do that. That takes effort. That means having to say "I was wrong," and the ego won't let us. We don't want to let go of our nonsense. We'd rather be lazy, apathetic, selfish, and cowardly and hand over all power and responsibility to someone else. That "someone else" is a Satanic cult that drip-fed you all the BS you still believe.

It's time to wake the fuck up and turn the tide. Or continue being the immoral de-facto Satanists that you REALLY are and let tyranny and slavery increase until we perish in our chains. It's your choice. Keep believing bullshit and supporting evil, waving its flag, voting for its puppets... or evolve in consciousness and conscience. I hope you choose the latter.