Our Great Work may be to teach and help our fellow beings raise their consciousness, but you can't teach those who don't want to be taught. You can't force knowledge into someone's head. People have to WANT to read it or listen to it. That desire for truth has to emerge within them. That's not something anyone can force. What we can do is make the knowledge more available, more accessible, and be there for those who do want to learn and evolve. I've made an online course just for that.

Many great teachers have been putting out valuable knowledge for millennia, and yet here we are... still enslaved. But you know what? We have to keep putting it out there. Not because we think "this time it'll make a difference," but because it's the right thing to do. Make it the greatest effort, greater than those who came before us.

This work isn't about personal reward or profit. It isn't about likes and followers. It's about doing what's right. I don't want to pass onto the next realm with guilt and regret from "giving up because nobody cares," I want to review this life and say "I did my duty and my conscience is clear." And if I helped someone in those efforts, awesome.

Never let other people's willful ignorance discourage you. Keep speaking. Keep teaching. It's not always enjoyable. It can come with a ton of stress and exhaustion. It comes with that inevitable question, "why am I even bothering?" Move past it. Do your duty to truth. That's all you can do. Never give up.