This may not be too relevant for OGWN, but I think it's important to understand, especially for anyone who believes they've been abducted by non-humans.

As an experiencer myself, I often visit Reddit forums that focus on UFO sightings and alien abductions. One of the common notions that people have is that, at the end of the day, their experiences were positive. They may talk about the fear and terror they experience from seeing and being taken by these beings, but then they express having positive experiences afterwards. They describe the beings as friendly; that they're trying to help them, enlighten them, upgrade them, or want to employ them in some kind of experiment. The fact that their personal space was invaded in the dead of night, and were mind-controlled and taken from their beds is brushed aside.

A lack of understanding of morality makes these abductions easier to accomplish, especially understanding morality as an objective Law of the universe. If questioned about their initial negative experiences, some will say, “well, these beings don’t think like us; they have their own morals.” Oh, I’m sure they do, just as human beings want to think morality is purely subjective. What any being wants to think or believe about morality, however, does not change the truth of Universal Moral Law. We are all governed by it no matter where we are in the universe. Harm is harm no matter who or what is causing it. We should never excuse or justify someone else’s harmful behavior just because THEY don’t think what they’re doing is harmful.

So, let’s reexamine the typical abduction scenario:

  • A person is sleeping, and suddenly they wake up to strange creatures who have trespassed in their bedroom, their private space. This is the first red flag: the act of trespass. No moral being with good intentions willingly invades someone else’s private domain. That is an immoral act. It’s the theft of security.

  • These creatures then paralyze the person. They are infringing upon a person’s physical autonomy, preventing them from resisting or escaping, which is a form of assault. It’s the theft of free will.

  • They then transport the person out of the room and onto a ship. In other words, they kidnapped them. This is the theft of freedom itself.
  • Then medical experiments are done against their will. Again, a form of assault.

In many abduction stories, experiencers will describe a taller being present. This being is basically the “leader,” the “authority” who orders the smaller beings. You rarely hear a story where this leader-type leaves the ship. They are the one who will tell the abductee that he/she is “special,” or tell them things to ease their fear. Sometimes they even exhibit a sense of humor. This being is basically trying to garner the consent of the abductee so that they can continue taking them. Why would they need consent? Here’s why:

Look at our own system of government. Do the politicians and think-tank psychopaths go out and do all the immoral things that infringe upon people’s Rights and Freedoms? No. They stay where it’s safe. They are the order-givers. They have other people doing that work for them. They have order-followers who protect them, enforce their whims (“laws”) through duress and violence, kill for them, etc. But in order for them to avoid the brunt of karmic consequence they have to convince the population that what they’re doing is good. They have to get our consent on some level, even if that means telling us what they’re going to do through symbolism and euphemism. If we don’t say NO, then we’re basically saying YES.

Consent must always be given. These alien beings understand Universal Law just as much as the dark occultists of our world understand it, if not more. The little grey beings with big eyes are their order-followers, their drone workers. Those beings are most likely genetically engineered for that purpose.

So, no, they do not have their own morals, they are governed by Moral Law and they know it. They aren’t taking people against their will out of benevolence. Any truly evolved, moral species out there would never abduct people or experiment on people. I’d say most of them keep their distance from us. They may observe us, and may even intervene to stop us from blowing ourselves up (such as deactivating nuclear missiles), but any direct interactions with us are going to be few and far between.

I don’t know what the purpose of the abductions is for. There may be occasions where they DO “upgrade” us, but for their own self-serving reasons. I’ve had my own experience in the late 90s:

This took place in 1999, in East Houston. I was 18. I’m hanging out with my uncle, his girlfriend and her kids. This was in a suburban area called Channelview, a little way down from the North Shore community. This was probably around 8 or 9 pm, maybe later. Back then, I had a pager. Pagers were the thing, so I had a fancy one. Well, my friend Elvis pages me. So I call him and he says, “dude, a UFO just flew over my house!” He said it shapeshifted as it moved across, and made a weird whirring sound… which I thought was interesting since most UFO reports say they never hear any sound. Well, he was in the town of Galena Park which was about 10 miles west of where I was. I figured I might be able to see it if it was coming my direction; and sure enough, there it was… this glowing orange thing just hovering over the North Shore area. One of the kids went to get binoculars, so we got a really good look at it.

It was an almond or teardrop shape and horizontal. The whole thing was glowing orange, no sign of anything metallic. I really couldn’t see anything that looked like a surface. However, on the larger end of it was a deeper orange-red glow that would pulse in and out slowly like it was breathing. I watched it move a little in one direction, then in another, before it finally moved out of sight. It was incredible, and there's no way it was human technology. No way it was a drone, either. And I’ve seen the same craft here and there since then, but not as close.

Not long after that sighting – maybe days after, or maybe that night, I don’t remember – I have a “dream” that I'm sitting in a clinic-like room, like I’m waiting to see a dentist. I’m sitting on a couch, and there’s a coffee table in front of me, and another couch on the other side of the room. To my 11 o clock, I see a doorway with a hall, and the walls seem like total white light.

Right at the foot of that hallway, there is a short being lying on the ground like it was knocked unconscious. Maybe I bonked it with something. Anyway… I walk over to get a closer look at it, and its "skin" had an iridescence to it. Or maybe it was some kind of body suit. It also had a scaly pattern to it.

While I’m standing there, I see that the hallway leads to another unlit room. Couldn’t see anything in there. So I go sit back down, look over at the being again, and this time its eyes are open, and they’re glowing orange. Then suddenly I get this piercing sharp pain in my head, and I clench my temples and close my eyes. Then I see myself in third person, sitting on what looked like a surgery table; and it’s seems like it’s in that dark room I saw earlier, because the light of the hallway was coming in. And then I wake up.

So, like I said about being “upgraded,” I swear.. after that “dream” my ability to comprehend higher concepts – like consciousness, the nature of reality, and other occult concepts – increased. Like something in my brain switched on. It felt like a boost in clarity and cognition. Maybe that happened, or maybe it didn’t, but I remember feeling it and talking about it. Maybe it had nothing to do with that experience at all.

Years later (around 2008, maybe), I’m with some friends in downtown Houston at a 24-hour Starbucks that we called “The Beast,” and I was playing with a green laser, pointing it at buildings and street signs. I half-joked about signaling aliens, waving the laser around up in the sky (no aircraft around). Well, we left there to go back to my house (about 18 miles away), and went inside for a while to watch some TV. Around 3am, my friend decides to go home, so I walk with him outside. Within seconds, an orange light flashes down over us 6-7 times like it was acknowledging my laser "signaling". Haven't seen anything that incredible since then... not consciously, anyway. I've had many "dreams," however, with beings in them very similar to the image above.

In Luis Elizondo's latest book, he posits a few things that I wanted to comment on: 

So, for one, this is making a generalization, assuming that ALL of these beings are one thing or another. Secondly, he calls humans morally "neutral." Any being has the capacity to do good or bad. It all comes down to whether or not they understand what right and wrong actually are objectively, and what they choose to do with that knowledge. The dark occultists of our world know exactly what Natural Law is. They know definitively what right and wrong are. They still choose to defy that Law which, again, they do through their order-followers.

"If they're good, they're not doing a very good job of enacting a program of benevolence."

Those who live by the Law are not going to play savior with humanity. They understand that we have to learn our own lessons. Swooping down to stop us from bombing ourselves may save lives, but it won't change anything in our consciousness. We'll just do the same insanity over again. If what we do begins to cause harm to them, then they will definitely intervene and defend themselves.

"If they are neutral to us, then we must begin to think in diplomatic and political terms. What do they want, and what do we want? Can we both learn from each other? Is there a possibility of trade between us? Will they favor one of our planet's governments over the rest?"

We absolutely DO NOT need to be thinking politically regarding their presence. Obviously, Elizondo is still very much a statist. What he doesn't understand is that no moral species in the universe is going to interact with us openly until we evolve in consciousness... until we grow up and stop believing in "authority." There will come a time when we can learn from each other, trade with each other, and live harmoniously... but not until we abandon these erroneous beliefs. Again, if they were to show up today they'd be seen as saviors, not brothers and sisters. That doesn't help us nor does it serve them.

"If they're bad, they could be conducting what the military calls an IPB."

Oh, there are bad ones, but they're not preparing for invasion. They're already here. They gave us religion and government thousands of years ago. They set up this entire control system that Elizondo continues to believe is relevant and morally legitimate. We are likely to see them show their faces and present themselves as "friends" who are here to "guide and help" us as they unite the world under global government. And if any good ones show up, we'll be fooled into believing that they're the real threat. That's all speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me.

When you understand Natural Law, all of this stuff becomes clear. When you have zero understanding of it, living your life without true conscience, it's a convoluted mess that you can't make sense of because you're still believing in immoral nonsense. This is just another reason why teaching this knowledge is VITAL. Human freedom is impossible without it.