We use words like principle, conscience, and truth so loosely today. We claim to have these things, but our actions speak a very different narrative.

When it comes to principles, believing we have and abide by them doesn’t make it so. To live a truly principled and moral life requires making a conscious effort. This isn’t suggesting that we are inherently unprincipled or immoral, but we are very easily manipulatable. We can be programmed into thinking, believing and behaving wrongly. All it takes is a change of phrasing. Incorrect and harmful ideas can be twisted and euphemized in order to trick us into mindsets and behaviors that are completely out of line with true goodness. Then we carry on with our lives, thinking we’re doing the right thing; and as a result, we perpetuate suffering.

We’re also encouraged to sacrifice any principles we do have in the name of “progress” and “success.” I’ve been told numerous times that I may have to do things I don’t want to do in order to survive and thrive. In other words, I must put aside my moral principles if I want to be financially comfortable; and then I may have to “bite my tongue” and “go along to get along” just to keep a job. The problem is… that’s the general requirement in this system today. You cannot have any true principles and live by them within most vocations. Some things are inescapable such as individually opting out of this system entirely. So, we have to live as true to our principles as we can; and a huge part of that is consistently saying NO to it. We have to resist and reject as much of it as possible, even if that means having to endure a period of suffering.

If your job requires you to do things that violate your conscience, quit that job. If that big career you’re after requires you to engage in or support theft, deception, and coercion, abandon it. I understand how hard that can be. I understand the consequences can be rough for you and/or your family… but remember – principles are First Things. They must come before everything else. When you sacrifice them in the name of comfort and financial success you’re basically spitting on them. You’re putting erroneous notions above truth. You’re putting material wealth above moral correctness. You’re putting the ego above the soul.

When the majority of human beings think, believe and behave out of alignment with truth and morality, the inevitable result will always be suffering. When we fail to stand firm in these things we are abdicating them to some external force – a force that only seeks to control and enslave. To forfeit one’s own conscience and first principles is to forfeit one’s own sovereignty and freedom. You’re trading your mind, body and soul for temporary bliss.

While it may seem counterintuitive to resist these worldly comforts and conveniences, it is the only way to ensure true progress and evolution – for yourself and for our species as a whole. Staying true to your principles doesn’t mean you have to give up what you love to do. While it may be stressful at first within this system, you’ll find that the universe notices. You’ll soon realize that Right Livelihood doesn’t close doors without opening ten more.

Educate yourself further on what true principles are. Immerse yourself in the knowledge of objective Right and Wrong. This is Natural Law. It is the Principle of Principles. It is the ultimate key to success, prosperity, sovereignty and freedom. Live by that and you’ll wonder why you ever chose any other path.