One of the hardest obstacles to overcome when trying to teach people is their mental tendency to assume that everything is an opinion or a belief. You can make the statement “apples are a fruit” and people will agree. They accept that as an objective truth. You could say “a computer is a type of technology” and have no arguments about it. But when you get into more philosophical and esoteric topics – topics that require research, introspection, observation, examination and testing – it all goes downhill.

My family were watching the funeral for Queen Elizabeth. I said something like, “all of them are psychopaths,” and someone said, “that’s your opinion.” Is that an opinion? Perhaps to someone who has never thought about the concept of rulership deeply enough to understand the immorality of it and simply hates monarchies. To someone who HAS done that, who HAS studied psychology, who HAS come to understand morality objectively, it is not an opinion. One who believes they have a right to rule and dictate “laws” and “mandates” cannot have conscience. A person without conscience, who seeks power over others, is a psychopath.

Another example is trying to show someone the astro-theological symbolism, mythos and allegory of religion. All of these things are historical truths that anyone with a mind capable of critical and correlational thought can discover and understand. When presenting any of this information to someone – religionists, especially – they say “that’s what you believe.” There’s no belief involved here. This is like opening a science journal that’s explaining the human nervous system and someone responding with, “well, that’s all just conjecture.” Even with all the provided evidence, they still call it belief or opinion.

I understand the mindset responsible for this kind of ignorance; I understand the egoic attachments people have to things; and I understand the deep-seated denial people have when faced with evidence contrary to their belief systems. What boggles me is this insistence that obvious and discoverable truths are just other beliefs. All logic goes in the bin when it comes to these topics. This is solipsism at work. It doesn't matter if the person is a full-on solipsist who thinks they're the only mind that exists, they still speak as if there is no objective truth, it’s all just personal perception, and anything you say is “true for thee, but not for me.”

Even religionists who claim what they believe to be “THE truth” will still resort to solipsistic thought. It’s true for them because “they just know it” or because they read it in some ancient desert scribblings. They’re not interested in reality and actually observing it. And if they’re not interested in what’s actually real and true, there’s no reaching them. The same applies to those who believe in government, because it’s just another religion.

Even trying to explain the rightness or wrongness of something (like taxation) and they’ll say, “that’s YOUR morals.” So, to say that theft is wrong is just MY morality? If someone thinks it’s okay to murder, that’s THEIR morality? If so – if morality is purely subjective – then taking life without right… is a right! If THEY deem it moral, then I guess they can just pop a Mentos and be on their merry way!

I’m 100% dedicated to this Great Work, and I’ll never stop speaking, but situations like this can really evoke a sense of disillusionment. How are we going to have a positive effect on humanity when most of us “think” this way? You can’t teach someone the most important knowledge on earth when they refuse to be taught, and that’s most people. We aren’t reaching anyone except those who already have inclinations towards truth-discovery; who already have interest in occult knowledge; who already know that government is evil.

Perhaps that’s better than not reaching anyone at all, but creating a Natural Law echo chamber isn’t going to change anything. I really don’t know how to simplify the truth any further in order to make it make sense to billions of mental children. I’ve never been that stupid. I’ve never been that ignore-ant. Maybe when I was a child and still developing, but truth meant more to me than any feeling or belief.

Truth exists. You either care to know it… or you don’t. Morality is not subjective, it’s inherent. You either care to understand it… or you don’t. One path leads to freedom; and the other, to slavery and death. There’s no fucking conjecture here. It’s not what I “belieeeeeve.” I’ve done my due diligence to come to know what’s true and what’s horseshit. If you want to know what I know, then you’ll do the same. You’ll find out for yourself that not everything is a fucking opinion. And then maybe you’ll start making better choices in life.