There’s a difference between following someone’s example and instructions because you recognize and respect their expertise and knowledge, and following someone’s orders because you see them as your superior. The former comes from individual acknowledgement and a willingness to improve oneself. The latter comes from social conditioning.

A person can be an authority in a particular field of study, but never an authority over another person in the sense of being able to constrict them into labor or obedience. Where does this idea stem from? It starts in childhood. It’s the result of the never-ending cycle of improper parenting. You heard me correctly. Most of us – going back countless generations – have been incorrectly “raised.” We haven’t been raised at all. That doesn’t mean every parent is deliberately failing or being purposefully irresponsible, but the result is the same.

The entire concept of “raising” a child has to do with consciousness. When you sit your child in front of a TV (or iPad in this modern era), or send them off to a state-funded school, you are doing the opposite of raising. When you teach them to “do as they’re told” instead of thinking critically, and then scold them for asking questions, you are doing the opposite of raising. You are stifling, suppressing, and degrading their minds.

They learn their concept of morality from people without any objective moral standard (whether their own parents, teachers, priests, etc). Their understanding of freedom and rights is skewed due to their state indoctrination. They grow up to think being an adult is about financial success and being able to vote for the next president. They have no sense of true personal responsibility in conscience. Many children even experience emotional abandonment from their parents, so when they get older they seek “family” and “community” in the wrong places like the police force, the military, or other cults who reinforce these ideas of superiority and obedience even further. Thankfully, some of us make a conscious choice early on to break that programming, end the cycle, and raise ourselves. We work through our abandonment issues and evolve.

The whole idea of being raised is to be brought UP in consciousness so that we become intelligent, self-sufficient, responsible and MORAL adults who understand and express our sovereignty. Since that rarely happens, we remain mentally infantile, continuing to seek approval, giving our power and responsibility over to proxy parents called “authority,” having little to no concept of objective right and wrong. Our entire society is basically one big master-slave-master-slave system. What some call a chain of command is really a chain of obedience. Sovereign beings are not “authority”-worshipping order-followers, slaves are.

The good news is, that sovereign being is still inside each one of us. It shows itself on a daily basis, pushing through that statist programming. If you go faster than a posted speed limit; or drive without wearing a seat belt; or if you ignore drug laws, disobey mask mandates, jaywalk, or even gamble in some places. Or... if you choose to publicly feed the homeless despite any "laws" that forbid it. When you do these things, ask yourself: do you really believe in authority? You think you do because that’s your programming, but deep down you know it’s nonsense. The belief in authority is nothing but a mind trick. It’s mental malware that convinces you it’s real.

What about those in order-follower careers? The minute you question any orders and decide not to do something that you know is wrong is the minute you stop seeing anyone as an “authority” over you. Guess what? They never were to begin with. Your conscience negates the entire concept.

Statism is what happens when human beings refuse to grow up. We always have the choice to think differently, act differently… to do the right thing. We don’t have to go along with this system just because it’s been here for so long. We certainly don’t have to obey anyone’s bullshit orders or “laws” that are flagrant violations of our rights and an insult to our sovereignty. No one owns you but you. No one owns me but me. All we have to do is say NO, but we have to say it together. My freedom and your freedom are interconnected.

However, if you want to keep being an order-following, authority-obeying slave just to keep your comforts, conveniences and illusions of safety – in other words, to remain a child in an adult body – don’t expect anything to get better. Don’t expect forgiveness, or sympathy, or charity. Why? Because to support this system is to condone slavery. You had a choice, and you chose the immoral path. You chose your programming over the truth. You chose slavery over freedom… for yourself and everyone else.

So, what will it be? Truth or consequences?