We are such a society of damaged, mental children with abandonment issues, with no understanding of what Rights are, what Freedom really is, what Morality is, and so on. We think being offended warrants acts of violence. We think we have the "right" to hurt others who don't look like us. We think "authority" is real and legitimate, and we tug on the leg of "government" to do violence on our behalf when things don't go our way.

We are mental, emotional and spiritual infants with no desire to take real personal responsibility, to take in knowledge, to do the necessary internal work upon ourselves, to exercise true conscience, and do what's right over what's easy or convenient. And we think we're good people. We think we're winning against evil. We're a cosmic failure frolicking into the abyss.

As long as we keep clinging to our egos, our materialist notions, our false-self identities, our inverted values, our programmed traditions, and continue to be immoral trash-apes (thanks, Mark!), an enslaved cosmic failure is what we'll remain until Nature says "ENOUGH" and takes us out of the equation.

We had a choice. We could have chosen truth, love, and freedom. We could have acknowledged Natural Law and lived in harmony with it. Instead, we ate the apple thinking WE could decide what "law" is, what "rights" are, what "morality" is. We chose suffering, tyranny, slavery. We chose to give up our power, our voice, our responsibility, and our lives to psychopaths. We chose division over unity. We chose the ego over the spirit. We chose wrong over right because it was easier.

There's still time to make a new choice. We CAN still change course. It will require hard work, though. It will require hard sacrifices (personal comfort, attachments, time and attention). It will require taking in knowledge, developing true conscience, and doing what's right for all of Creation, not just you. If you can't be bothered, then consider yourself my enemy.

The things that build the soul are Knowledge, True Care for All, and Right Action through Will-Power and Courage. The destroyers of the soul are Ignorance (and false belief), Apathy, Laziness and Cowardice. Are you ready to make a new choice, or would you rather continue being a cowardly, self-centered, immoral child?