David Icke was one of the guys who helped me in my journey. I got his book Children Of The Matrix back when it came out, and it blew my mind. I really respect his work. That doesn't mean I have to agree with all of it. 

It seems in the past decade or so that he's latched onto this idea that we're all living in an artificial dream-state or simulation created by some alien force, and that reincarnation is a trap to keep us inside it. 

Okay... so, let's look at a couple things that are actually happening:

  1. We are being pushed further away from Nature and further towards the artificial (AI, metaverse, VR, transhumanism, etc). 
  2. We are having our perceptions of reality manipulated through psy-ops, euphemism, media, propaganda, false religious beliefs (including statism, scientism and atheism).

So, if all of reality is fake, why would this alien force go to all the trouble of trying to sever our connection with Nature? Why would they bother trying to alter our perceptions of an illusion of their own making? Why not just program the "simulation" itself so that all the things they want us to believe play out in "reality?" Because if we believe this is all fake then we’ll be quicker to dismiss things like Rights, Freedom, Morality, and Natural Law.

Icke will even say how mainstream science is starting to agree that this is all a simulation. If mainstream science is pushing this, don’t you think that’s a red flag? To be fair, the universe is a simulation in a sense, but I cannot buy the theory that it's some projected version of reality coming from the moon or Saturn or wherever. The universe is holographic by nature. This has been understood by mystery traditions for ages. It's expressed in the first three Hermetic Principles: 

  1. Mentalism – All is Mind. The Universe is Mental.
  2. Correspondence – As Above, So Below.
  3. Vibration – Nothing is at rest. Everything vibrates.

Reality is the mental construct of the Creator. It is self-similar on all scales (holographic). Everything is energy in flux, vibrating at different frequencies.

So yes, we do live in an illusory realm, but it's a realm designed for us to experience, learn and evolve in as spiritual beings in physical vessels. We come into this realm for a reason, and we are gifted with two things: Free Will (the random aspect of reality) and Natural Law (the deterministic aspect). We have the free will to choose any path – either peace and freedom or suffering and slavery – but we cannot escape the consequences of those choices.

For our entire existence we’ve chosen poorly, and we’re suffering the consequences. So that gives reincarnation a higher purpose. It’s not a trap. We come back into this prison to try to change things. A being that hasn’t learned its lessons, that keeps falling for the same deceptions, needs to return to try again.

There are no alien beings who have the power to interfere with that process. None of them get to decide where you go. We continue coming back here to help humanity awaken and evolve in consciousness. As incarnate sovereigns in human form, we have this moral duty. These “archons” may want us here to feed on our suffering and enslave us, but we don't have to go along with that. We can learn, evolve in consciousness, and help others begin that same process of awakening.

Icke has also questioned why we can’t fully remember any past lives and tries to justify his “reincarnation trap” theory with that notion. It doesn't matter if we can't remember any past lives, the memory is there in the soul. We can pick up where we left off which will occur unconsciously. We can let the mundane and the ego get in the way of that, though. We can succumb to the world and let triviality take us off our path, but you'll soon notice obstacles and suffering arise more and more until you step back into that slipstream. Then synchronicities start happening again.

I knew when I was a kid that I came here with a purpose. I was delving into high spiritual knowledge at 13. So, to me, reincarnation is only a trap for those still "asleep." For those who have spiritual purpose, coming back here is a duty. Why run away from that? It seems to me that the archons would rather us go off to other realms than come back here and teach... especially occult knowledge. They don't want anyone knowing that information because their reign would be over.

If we could magically all escape "the trap" or "the dream" we'd still be very unevolved in consciousness, unevolved morally. If we really want to escape this hell realm, we NEED to evolve. We need to become true Cosmic Adults, because right now we're still very much children. That's why we continue to believe in "authority." We want that proxy parental guidance instead of growing up, and the Powers That Be don't want that to happen. We can truly escape the dream when we remember Who We Are: Sovereign Spiritual Beings. That's not going to happen magically. It takes hard work, especially shadow work. It requires the dissolving of our ego-attachments, abandoning false religions. This human experience is as valid as any other.

The entire point of spirituality isn't "following your bliss" or "ascension" or any other new age rubbish. It's about Freedom... and all freedom begins within. We need to escape the INNER trap of ego, of trauma, of nonsense beliefs, of solipsistic thought, and self-loathing. THEN we can escape the trap of the Archons, Satanists and Dark Occultists.