I see so much nonsense regarding the UFO/ET phenomenon. All these "whistle blowers" and "investigators" like Luis Elizondo, Tom DeLong, Bob Lazar, Grusch, and the Skinwalker Ranch clowns are statists who either have worked for the government or think government are solely responsible for genuine disclosure. They have meetings and hearings with them and think they're doing a good thing. If any of these people actually know the truth, they don't really care about sharing it. They care about the attention. They care about their careers and fame. Or they're just disinfo agents. I don't trust any of them. There are some genuine investigators out there (Richard Dolan, George Knapp, Jacque Vallee, and Shannon LeGro to name a few), and some great ones who have passed (Karla Turner, John Keel, Lloyd Pye, etc), but they're few and far between. Most of it is just another form of entertainment. It’s to keep us in a state of fasci-nation and dis-traction.

Then there are the people who think we're going to have first contact in our lifetime; that because this phenomenon is more acceptable now the ETs are going to come down in their beamships and say hello. This is the Steven Greer cult and a lot of other New Age types. Some hope they'll swoop down and give us cures, new technology, end wars, and create some new golden age. Makes me think of Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End." The truth is, the Overlords are already here, and they’re ready to give us their Great Reset. No truly moral, benevolent, non-human species is going to openly reveal themselves and make in-person contact with humanity until we grow up and evolve – in consciousness and in conscience.

The Laws of Morality are universal. All intelligent beings in the universe understand "do no harm" and "do not take that which is not rightfully yours." They know it's wrong to engage in harmful behavior. They know it’s wrong to go into your home, kidnap you, and experiment on you. Some of them might not care (like the human psychopaths with god complexes we have here), but they know Universal Law is real. As human beings, we still do these harmful things and continue to condone them being done by others, often on our behalf.

The fact that we continue to believe in institutions of "authority" is reason enough for these beings to keep their distance. We're still children who think we need mommy and daddy. Why would an evolved race of intelligent beings, who live in harmony with Universal Law, want to make contact with a species that still has parental abandonment issues? They might communicate with us from a distance, individually (if you're evolved enough), but that's the extent of it until we evolve mentally, spiritually, and morally as a whole.

I would think for a species to even reach the point of interstellar travel they would have to have evolved, themselves. An immoral civilization would only collapse under tyranny, never reaching a stage of higher, technological development. A moral civilization that comes to understand their sovereignty under Universal Law would evolve and progress towards freedom, peace, order and greater advancements. This isn't to say that there aren't advanced beings out there with selfish agendas, but they're probably a dying race of tyrants (Archons) who have been on this planet for a while.

If we do have some kind of open contact sooner than later, I would be highly suspicious of it, especially if they put themselves in positions of power and influence with promises of a "greater good" under their "guidance." We either get a fake invasion scenario, or we get earthbound non-humans (Nephilim / Archons) pretending to arrive and promising peace and security under their supervision. Or both. Then maybe the good guys will have to show up to intervene, especially if things get too ugly. 

We worry too much about who the aliens are, why they're here, how we can contact them, and if they're good or bad. It’s an “are they saviors or invaders” situation. We need to be focusing on our own problems, our own ongoing enslavement, our own crisis in consciousness. When we get that sorted out and get back in line with higher truth, the rest will happen organically.