A lot of people are rightfully fed up with things considered “woke” or “DEI,” but they’re looking at it from a surface-level perspective. They are falling for a dialectic. Woke ideology isn’t something that a bunch of people gravitated to through any evolutions in thought. Obsessions with sexual, racial and gender identity over philosophical and moral values didn’t just manifest organically. All of this is the result of decades of deliberate social engineering which has its roots in Marxism and Satanism.

More people would come to understand this if they did their diligence by reading the works that reveal these agendas candidly. Go read the works of psychopaths like Karl Marx, Anton LaVey, Jay Solomon, and others. The book The Satanic Witch especially goes into the aims of neo-feminism and eugenics. One of Jay Solomon's primary agendas at the Whitehall Church of Satan was the androgynization of society. They are all too happy to tell you what their agendas are. Why? Because they know no one will read it! They know humanity is too duped and apathetic to willfully discover any truth! There are many great sources that HAVE done the research and exposed these agendas like Jim Keith, Jordan Maxwell, Bill Cooper, Gary Allen, and John Coleman. Did we listen to them? Nope.

"they spinning WOKE bastardize it and appropriate it / last I recall WOKE was something we created" – Amandla Ingram, 'Discourse' lyrics

These social engineers are advanced psychologists. Two of the biggest institutions behind a lot of this are The Tavistock Institute and the Fabian Society. Institutions like that drip-feed society belief systems and ideologies so adeptly that they can convince people that certain ideas, beliefs, feelings, likes and dislikes are their own. And you’ll notice that those who buy into them are very immature, mentally and emotionally. Like children, they are easily offended, and have volatile reactions when things don’t go their way. Children are easy to program, particularly in their formative years. When you keep a society in the mindset of a child you can get them to believe anything, and even to defend those beliefs violently. This is why most people on the planet continue to believe in the legitimacy of “authority” and “government.” It all stems from the child mindset – the need for a parental figure.

Most of the critics of wokeness are in that mindset themselves, and don’t have the knowledge or higher perspective to see where woke ideology actually comes from. They focus their criticisms and attacks on the victims of this mind virus as if they created it, and this is the idea. This creates more division, more confusion, and more conflict so that we never recognize the real threat or unify in common cause against it. Both sides of the dialectic end up resorting to immoral behavior whether it’s cancel culture, doxxing, theft, trespass, or assault and murder.

The use of the terms “diversity,” “inclusion,” and “equality” within the woke ideology are to turn people against these ideas (by associating them with wrong thinking and worldview violence), not to embrace them. True tolerance is about understanding individual sovereignty and rights, and leaving people alone to exercise those rights without restraint, restriction or duress. True equality is being equal in those rights under Natural Law. Diversity is inherent in Nature, and everything that Satanism does is to invert the Natural. They want us in these mindsets of egotism, moral relativism, and social darwinism. They want us obsessing over race, sexuality, gender, and other ego-identities. The last thing they want is for us to recognize – within ourselves and in others – our sovereignty and our spiritual interconnectedness.

We need to stop turning our anger toward each other. No matter what side of the dialectic you’ve chosen, you’re still human. You’re a sovereign being. We all have the same Rights. We’re all bound by the same Laws of Nature. We need to start taking another look at ourselves and acknowledge our own part in this problem. It’s way bigger (and way darker) than you think, and we’ve all been tricked in some way or another to participate in it and perpetuate it. We need to educate ourselves and stop shunning the truth in favor of our own whims, beliefs and feelings… all of which were given to us through politics, entertainment, news, social media, religion, and other institutions of deceit.

If we ever want true freedom, this is what is required. Knowledge of Truth, Self-Respect, Love, and Right Action through Courage. Stop fearing and demonizing the occult, as well, because that’s the knowledge that shines the light on this whole Satanic agenda and shows us what’s necessary to resist it. Know what your enemy knows so you can see their patterns. They depend on you to not do that. They want you to see all occult knowledge as “evil” or “absurd,” because it keeps that power differential in place. It’s time to dissolve it. It’s time to grow up.

Only mental children bicker and throw fits over not getting their way, and that’s what I see on both sides of this dialectic. Both sides end up making appeals to “authority” which is the end goal. Divide people, create dependency on “authority” to fix the problem, and institute more and more measures of control. If we keep this going, the total enslavement of humanity will be a cakewalk. It already is.

We can still change course, though. We can still choose conscience over comfort. We can still choose truth over erroneous nonsense. We can still choose Agapé Love. All we have to do is get our egos out of the way and be willing to look into a mirror and say those three difficult words: I WAS WRONG. And then change… how we think, how we feel, and ultimately how we act in the world. That’s where freedom begins… within.

As within, so without.
As below, so above.