The state of true freedom is so easy to manifest, but nobody wants to change how they think and how they act. They want to continue believing in nonsense like "authority" and "government," and continue to believe that morality is either dictated by themselves or by some religion they buy into.

This is the original sin. We want to be the deciders of right and wrong for ourselves. We keep chomping on that apple and thinking from the ego instead of the heart. We ignore the truth and lap up the lies because they make us feel good. We don't ever want to look into a mirror and face ourselves and admit that we're wrong because we're scared to acknowledge and feel the shame and guilt. Those emotions have a purpose. You are
meant to feel them so that you change yourself for the better.

We could turn this prison planet into paradise if we wanted to in a short period of time, but we're so wrapped up in ego, apathy, cowardice and ignorance. We've been inculcated with the mindset of the psychopaths who control this world. We buy into their religions and their tenets. Those religions exist to trick us into docility, thinking someone else is going to come save us, and we wait and wait while evil runs amok. As long as we stay in that mindset, things will only get worse.

The solution is simple, but it requires a mass shift in consciousness. We have to change how we think, feel and act. We have to abandon the BS we cling to, get out of the "ME ME ME, screw you" mindset, activate
True Care (Agapé Love: Love of Truth, Justice and Freedom for all) and Conscience (the knowledge of the objective difference between right and wrong).

That's how we align ourselves to Natural Law (God's Law, Cosmic Law, etc). It's not about doing anything new, it's about ceasing to do the things we have no moral right to do. It's about recognizing not only your own sovereignty, but the sovereignty of ALL beings. We all have the same Rights and the same birthright of freedom.

That state of being doesn't just magically happen, it requires a critical mass of human beings ceasing to be unconscious, immoral, ignorant and immature dunces who keep propping up evil, and becoming truly conscious, moral, knowledgeable, spiritually awake and evolved adults.

If you've already done that internal work and aligned yourself with Natural Law, you still have more work to do. You don't just take in knowledge and sit around hoping for the best, you teach it to others. You put that knowledge out into the world so that more people can access it and begin their own journey of awakening. It's your moral duty. The last thing you want is to leave this earthly vessel and look back on your life and say, "I didn't do the work, I didn't help others, I didn't do my duty."

Morality creates freedom. That's the dynamic at work in the universe. The more moral we are, the more free we become. The more immoral we are, the more we suffer and find ourselves in bondage. Not church "morality," not your own perceptions of right and wrong, but what is objective and inherent in nature. Do no harm and do not take that which isn't rightfully yours.

Always do what's right, not what's most rewarding or comforting or convenient. Don't let fear stop you. You face it and you move through it. Don't turn away from injustice, confront it and end it. Stand firm in principle and truth. Unify your thoughts, emotions and actions. If you're right in thought and emotion, you'll be right in action. This is the holy trinity. It must be in balance.

Be a conscious parent and instill the values of morality and sovereignty in your children instead of sending them off to some state-run prison camp called "school" that teaches them obedience as a virtue. Teach and mentor others, as well. Make the truth louder than the lie.

We are all saviors. We made this mess and we are responsible for cleaning it up. There's no abdicating that responsibility to some external "authority." That's an illusion. If you don't have the right to rule, no one does, and you can't give a right to someone else that you don't have yourself. There are no magical forces, avatars, or ET races coming to do it for us, either. We either get our act together, grow up, and evolve in conscience... or we perish.

It's really that simple. BE the savior you're waiting for.