"Woke" doesn't mean tolerant. It doesn't mean inclusive. It doesn’t mean progressive, evolved, or awake.

"Wokeness" is not Love, it is violence and division. It parades around as love, acceptance and tolerance, but for whom? It has no concept of Rights or Freedom for all beings, only for itself, like a cult... because it is a cult. It encourages censorship, cancel culture, doxxing, and even physical assault against anyone with a contrary viewpoint. “Wokeness” is dogmatic, arrogant, and rooted in ego. It's devoid of spirituality. It doesn't embrace humanity as a whole, it wants to segregate and maintain an "us vs. them" mindset. There's no love in that. There's no sovereignty in that. There's no freedom in that.

This mindset isn't exclusive to "wokeness," though. You see it in its opposition, as well. It's the "ME ME ME, MY freedom, MY rights, MY comforts, MY traditions, MY worldview, screw the rest of you" mindset. It's all pack-mentality ego. It’s the same immoral mentality of any statist – the only difference being the specific social or political beliefs and the lengths they’re willing to go to violently force those beliefs onto everyone else. The ends don’t justify the means when the means are immoral.

We're a naturally diverse species, and that's a beautiful thing. To celebrate that isn't being "woke," it's called Agapé Love. It's the love of Creation, of Truth, of Freedom. It's recognizing and respecting the sovereignty and rights of all beings. Race, gender, sexuality, and so on... these things are not the totality of you. They do not define you. You are a sovereign spiritual being beneath that fleshy spacesuit you call a body. Stop thinking you ARE the spacesuit! Your Rights and my Rights are the same. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying and trying to control you... stop falling for it.

If you want tolerance, then be tolerant. If you want to be left alone, then leave others alone! Stop violently pushing your worldview. Stop supporting and using the violence of the state like children whining to mommy to make the meanie go away. Grow up. Don't violate the Rights of others just to maintain your "safe space" or your CULT-ural attachments. Have self-respect and respect others Rights and Freedom. We're all in this mess together whether we like it or not. The more we divide ourselves, the faster we find ourselves in suffering and slavery.

Don't be “woke,” AWAKEN! Acknowledge and express your sovereignty. Take responsibility for your actions. Stop the blame game, put your ego in check, and look in a mirror. Stop being part of the problem. Stop clinging to things that don't serve you or your loved ones. Recognize the True Self which is beyond the body. Then recognize it in others.

We aren't here to suffer and be perpetual victims, we're here to end those things. We don’t do that through violence, coercion and duress. We don’t do that through “mandates” and “laws.” We don’t do that through censorship. We do it through true moral education and through abandoning garbage belief systems like “authority” and “government.” We do it through Care, Courage, and Conscience.

It starts with me and it starts with you. We're one human family, and ALL of our Rights are under attack by psychopaths who think they own us, who trick us into all these divisions and conflicts. Let's turn the tide towards true peace, true prosperity, true love, and true freedom...
