Art Assessment Part 3
Let’s continue from Part 2. To find Part 1 and Part 2 please refer back to my main page.
The force behind reality is all love. Everything that exists because of this force because of the fact that if it did not exist and did not operate as it did than nothing would exist at all. There has to be love in order to create. Love is the motivation, the muse, behind all action. When Mind/Source/God/That Which Set All Things Into Motion creates the forces behind that is love. And we, as it's physical representation in this reality, emulate this behavior. When we create the force behind this is love. Because love isn't just an emotion. It is inspiration. It is WILL. It is truth. And depending on what we utilize this incredible tool for, whether negative or positive, will be the result of how we shape this world.
I know this wouldn't make sense to most people just because most people are not psychopaths and actually have the ability to feel empathy and sadness for others. We can look at the others around us and recognize their situations and even relate. So, think about it this way. People who have all their emotions accessible to them, like the feelings that bring on love, will generally try to create a world built with that love and good tidings because they want the world to be full of goodness. However, some people are born with medical defection and a rare 3% or so are born with the genetic defect that cause psychopathy. These are people who have no access to emotions at all, especially any form of authentic love. So, they fake it. They copy what we do in how we express love, on the external level, and use this phony version of love to tap into the WILL that helps them to create the world they want to see grow. A world where they have no limitations at all and where they are free from God's Law.
Anything can be turned into a weapon and in this world we live in, where we are be ruled by a parasite class, the act of love had been weaponized against humanity and our very reality.
So, how can I even explain what love is in a way that can be fully understand and utilized with practical application? So that we can take it back and use it with correct intention?
Let's start with how we go about defining love.
Most people will say it is what they feel for their family and friends. That has the potential be true. There are people who say they love this person or that person whether it is synthetic or genuine. Sometimes we do have genuine and real connection with people but there is a social convention sewn in here that almost forces us to love people even when they violate our rights. This is a fear-based response. We fear if we don't love our immediate family or friends (who tend to violate rights) than we are breaking some kind of rule and will be ostracized for it. We are expected by society to conform.
I have experienced both genuine and synthetic love. It took me many years to finally figure out what in my life had been genuine and what had been fabricated affection. This was a very difficult thing for to me to learn. I had to reevaluate myself, everyone I knew and my relationships with them. It was a difficult task.
To define love, I would say that this is the force that comes from the ultimate Source that created and set down the parameters of reality. Love is an internal force that creates action which then creates truth.
There are three main forces of love.
Agape Love: Agape love is the love for all knowledge and all nature. It is what the entire universe uses to create with and evolve. If mind is the most powerful tool we can use in our physical bodies, then apage love is the most powerful thing we can create and express from it. Love, even for those who would violate the rights Spirit gives us, will always be the ultimate e force against evil. Using love will always connect us to Spirit and this will allow us to develop into the sovereign beings we are meant to be. Even in times of frustration and anger I can still use agape love to control my emotion.
I know we live in Hell-World, so most are not yet ready to fully understand this. They will use hate as a weapon to fight their enemies instead of the power of love.
Such as when our founding fathers fought in the Revolutionary War. They fought not because they hated their enemies but because they loved the sovereignty of Spirit, and their physical expressions Spirit is connecting with. They fought because they loved the Law, truth and freedom.
Eros Love: Eros love is the intimate connection one will have with a lover. When two people connect on a heart to heart/soul to soul level and can feel the vibration between each other. You know it is real when you can feel the connection. Your heart neurons will even respond to this. When you have this true connection, your heart will manifest a physical reaction.
This is what happens when I even just think about my husband who is not just my spouse but my best friend. If there is such a thing as a soul mate, he is mine and I can feel it.
Philos Love: Philos love is the love we have for our family and friends. The love we have for our children we birth is the strongest connection we can have in the physical as these beings came from us. The connection may be somewhat stronger for mother to child, but this is only because the physical body of the child developed inside the womb of the woman.
Fathers have the same connection only this comes from the emotional connection they have with the mother and the energy that comes from the new life-form being developed which can be just as strong. We can also have this connection with the friends we develop throughout our lives. People who create such a strong impression on us that it effects our highest selves.
There really isn’t a lot more I can say about love. I would only say that when you express love make sure that what you are expressing comes from the most authentic part of you. If you are saying you love something or someone and you cannot physically feel this expression, then something is missing.
Maybe you don’t really love that thing or person. Maybe you are just conditioned into thinking you are supposed to love that thing or that person because of social convention. Society tells you that it is normal and so you pretend. You may pretend even to the point that you believe it.
You will never be directed down a wrong path by Spirit when you practice genuine agape, eros and philos love in your life.
Spirit is made of love. Spirit will respond to your genuine love with more genuine love. So, if you are afraid of being alone or lonely don’t be. Spirit will guide you in the right direction and will guide those who are on your same frequency to you.
Soon you will be surrounded by it.
You will attract genuine love simply by employing genuine love.
Even if you are hearing this and you think I am completely insane I still love you because you are not separate from me. You couldn’t get away from it even if you tried.
We are all fractions of Spirit, and that force is made of love.
Authentic love is an important emotion to maintain. It can be a delicate process, however. I go over more about love in Chapter 27 on my book (which you can find a link to in the LinkTree) if you need to review more about what love really is and about how it operates.
I think it would be important for people to understand that love is not unconditional. It has perimeters just like everything else. It can be gained and lost. It can grow and fade. It has rules.
I know … everyone hates me right now for saying that. They want love to be unconditional. Without limits. And it is but there are still parameters just like everything else within the Law. People want love to just be a force that keeps them bonded together no matter the cost. They want it to just automatically fix everything that is wrong. But this type of thoughtless love is nothing more than another form of slavery. The kind that traps us into social norms, protocol and even idolatry. It is the kind of love that creates worship, envy, jealousy, and even hate. Why? Because this is the type of love that is dead.
This is the type of love the parasites want us to feel. Love without truth. This type of love is what we have been programmed in the modern day to accept because the parasite class wants us to be dead, at least emotionally. Just like them.
Make no mistake. They have got their hands in everything. Even into our emotions.
So, what do we do about this? We get our internal house in order by learning how to balance and use thought, emotion and action correctly. We learn what love is and how it really operates. Agape love, Eros love and Philos love. The love of knowledge and all truth, the love of authentic intimacy with another and the love of family and community. These three things balance us with nature just as the practice of thought, emotion and action balances us with ourselves. We can’t have one without the other.
Don’t let anyone else tell you what is true when it comes to love. Love is about truth not about social convention, blood ties or obligations to others who violate God’s Law.
Lead by example. Love authentically. Others will follow.
Let's move into this new year with the most authentic parts of ourselves and love accordingly. Love responsibly.
I would like to share here a presentation done by Will Keller (Exploring the Depths of the Human Mind through Natural Law) who just produced a phenomenal presentation that is all about the science of love.
Please enjoy and I hope you have the greatest of years ahead of you.
The Science of Love- Presentation by Will Keller