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Welcome to Cross Talk! I'm your host Sara Cross.

Shout out to Revolution Radio! Check out the website, all the great hosts and if you can throw a few bucks their way that always goes a long way in showing your support to a platform dedicated to free speech.

This week I am going to read some of a chapter of the new extended version of my book "An Addiction to Being Alive". This version has several more chapters in it including history, medical information and some spiritual lessons to consider. You will be able to find this book available starting in January on either Amazon or my Etsy page. Links for this are in my LinkTree provided.

Sara's LinkTree

Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover. You can also just tag me in the chat or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

So, let's get started and move into our main topic today.

“The goal of spiritual life is not altered states but altered traits.” - Huston Smith

When doctors take on the role of human health they are choosing to face the pain, suffering and death of the mortal human condition. Treating patients as if they are the problem of any illness, is unacceptable behavior. Choosing to take on the burden of human health is manifesting an unbreakable promise in physical reality. It is a calling from within the soul. It is a whisper from Spirit that this is the right path to take.

When Hippocrates and his followers/peers/students created the Hippocratic Oath it is because they had a connection to this need that comes from within them. They not only had the aptitude for healing they felt the empathy that comes from a creative Spirit. The need to heal the sick comes from the feminine aspects while the capability of healing the sick comes from the masculine aspects of Spirit. This is because Spirit is a creative force that manifests life and death.

Doctors who use pain, suffering and death to create fame and wealth are parasites attaching themselves to the patient’s mind, body and emotional needs. They are no better than the parasite class who attach themselves to the pain, suffering and death of humanity. This creates slavery for the people in order to create freedom only for themselves so that they may have free reign of any action they choose to do. Money is the only god of the lower rung atheist, materialist and they ritualistically practice this worship daily within their lives. Those that reach the top of their exclusive club even meet annually at Bohemian Grove to worship at the statue of Moloch still to this day.

All people who take advantage of humanities pain, suffering and death for their own personal benefit no matter the reason behind it are parasitic psychopaths (no matter if they are natural born or secondary) who would starve to death if not for our own compliance. We feed this disease by simply saying nothing at all about it. By not using the power of “No!” when necessary. We encourage it by advocating a system that is broken and corrupted. We encourage it with our indifference.

I won’t say who to protect their identity, but once someone said to me, “They don’t listen to us. We need you, the patient, to say something about it and enforce any change.” And she was right. Sometimes the people who are working within the system are unable to do or say anything at all. They are servants to the people. There are people who work in the medical system who want the change as much as we do but they need us, the people who depend on them as health guides, to back them up and demand what will take place. There is nowhere else for them to go. The medical industry itself is vast, far-reaching animal. And whether people want to believe it or not the entire world is operating on the same medical system globally. It doesn’t matter what rules this country has or doesn’t have. Only the external side of it (what you see) is different but the internal workings and the people who own all of this are the same.

Does that seem overwhelming? Of course it does. How do you think I feel? I have never lived a day without this system invading my life. I am chained to it. So, what is the solution to this? For US the people who depend on it to take responsibility for HOW this system operates and DO something about it. This system is meant to be designed for us to benefit from in order to receive some healthcare. It is not designed for medical professionals to cut a paycheck. I am not saying they shouldn’t get paid. People should be paid for the value they can offer because they study and advance a skill but that is secondary to the point. That is, it doesn’t matter what the government, policy makers, politicians or any agenda what's for us the people. It matters what WE want for our health, the health of our families and the health of the future. A doctor may be an authority on the subject of medicine but only the individual can be an authority on themselves. You know you better than anyone. So, start acting like it. Be confident about it.

Speaking only for myself in regard to this; my health, body, mind AND Spirit are NOT at the disposal of anyone’s emotional or financial benefit for any reason. I do not and will never comply to any immoral or unethical invasion of my rights no matter if this is my spiritual mind or my physical body.

Spiritual medical discrimination is when people do not take any consideration for the anomaly because they themselves have never experienced this or they have never known anyone to experience any real medical strife. This mentality creates this idea that it is so mynute that it is irrelevant or just not even in existence at all. This gives people the excuse to be ignorant, discourteous and dismissive to all that are not in the majority who are considered to be relevant or at least the group that should be catered to. This type of behavior will guarantee that there are those who get left behind in a world that is working towards freedom. Because some people want to pretend that medical anomaly does not exist outside the parasite class's control. But they would be wrong. This can even place whatever the subject at hand is in the conspiracy world simply because the subject refuses to conform.

Let’s consider what happens when people want to lean on statistics to tell them all their facts. Whatever an elite class parasite authorizes as an official statistic about a subject does not matter in all subjects. Really, it shouldn’t matter what any false authority says about anything. Statistics are a control mechanism used by the state to corral the masses, being used to navigate what we think is valid or invalid. Whether or not to take in the consideration of a human life or death is not the same thing as taking into consideration about whether you will add an item to a restaurant menu based solely on what the majority wants or cares about. No harm will come to anyone if you choose not the add the menu item, but harm will come to those who are left pushed aside when considering how to go about healing the sick or what is best for humanity and it’s future. Doctors who choose to “heal” the sick in mass quantities by using general band-aid treatments or vaccination programs are NOT good doctors and they are NOT ethical doctors. It is as simple as that. Let that all sink in for a moment. I said what I said.

Doctors are only people, though, at the end of the day. People who choose to work in the medical industry for one reason or another.

People who choose to nurture their interest of scientific, medical study and knowledge. No matter if it was an honorable one or a greedy one. The worship of doctors in the modern age is not what our ancestral healers had in mind when they felt the calling to heal the sick. Modern doctors today have been elevated by society to priesthood and are now bowed to and begged at for any divine medical intervention they choose to bestow on the “little people” below them.

True healthcare has been inverted into a medical industry. It has become nothing more than a business transaction. Reduced to a business that sells false care, distorted empathy and the PROMISE of treatment. That is ALL is sells. Don’t forget it.

All human life must be taken into consideration for morality to rule in the physical realm. I would even say that even the lives of psychopath’s matter to some degree because without the experience of both good and bad there is no ability to grow into spiritually moral and healthy entities. There has to be adversary for there to be spiritual awakening. There has to be adversary for one to know the difference.

Pain, suffering and death are not necessary to have in order to achieve this, but it does work well as a sounding board to amplify the experience of both physical and spiritual growth. Don’t let the perception or experiences of someone else limit you from understanding the truth. Don’t let false faith control what you will choose to believe in. Stop living in fantasy. Stop lying to yourself.

Faith in fantasy is slavery. Faith in Truth is freedom. If you want to live in morality and practice Gods Law (or Natural Law as some call it) you must first accept these two statements. Otherwise, you will only live in darkness and disorder. And in either case you will get what you ask for from Spirit. Many of our lost, forgotten ancient cultures taught this. If one could not wrap their heads around this concept, then they still have a way to go before they could get the full picture.

Not just the doctors out there, but all state so called authorities and citizens alike have divided the people’s minds and attention by creating division within the communities of home and hearth. People let themselves get shaken up by the fear of pain, suffering and death while somehow forgetting that human beings are not immortal. We are poorly made physical engineered shells that have fractions of Spirit within, and our Minds and Soul are the creative force that operates that shell. These bodies are temporary houses for our eternal Spiritual Mind, Heart and Soul.

It is our job to ultimately understand the balance. This comes from love and patience with yourself. The Spirit manifests the physical self by creating with its thought and emotion. The physical body manifests in the physical using inspiration from Spirit to create a physical condition. Spirit needs us to manifest in the physical reality for it. Both the soul and the body are important. To shut down even one aspect of the Mind and Body is to live in fantasy and embrace slavery. This is experience. This is Truth.

The only way to truly understand is to embrace Truth. We live in a universe that does not operate by the whim of man’s law. We live in a universe that at any time a giant meteor could smash into this beautiful planet of ours and cause an extinction level event. We live in a universe that is an untamed, unpredictable creative wild card. What will it matter if we do every single insane thing to try to keep ourselves alive when Earth human beings are extinct? What is it going to matter if we comply to every single immoral and unethical doctrine of the state? What if a dragon came down and destroyed us all? Who told any of you that you were going to live forever? Either we live free and understand that with freedom comes responsibility AND danger or we live as slaves allowing false authority doing whatever it wants us to do and try to hide from the inevitable death, we will all face one day.

Even though, yes, we need a physical expression for Spirit to experience the physical reality, these bodies are not necessarily the LAST incarnation we are going to have. Even if we have an extinction level event on this planet. We will incarnate elsewhere because Spirit will have it be so. The physical shell is only required to experience this physical realm we all enjoy but our fractions of Spirit that we all embody are the only immortal parts of us.

Don’t let fear control you. This is a trap. Even in the moment of fear face it with courage and strength. It is okay to be afraid. It is not okay to use that as an excuse to harm others or take others inherent God given rights away.

So be kind and practice love. Do not spread hate because you are full of fear and doubt. Embrace truth and be free.

Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating a few bucks as times is tough. All donations are greatly appreciated and allow me to continue to do this great work.


"An Addiction to Being Alive" Books Right Here!