Go and check at the website (https://www.revolution.radio), the chatroom and the archives for all past shows. You can listen to me live every Wednesday from 1pm - 3pm EST.

Join me today on my first show at Revolution Radio. Go and check at the website (https://www.revolution.radio), the chatroom and the archives for all past shows. You can listen to me live every Wednesday from 1pm - 3pm EST.

This week I have Derek Bartechelli with is spiritual DJ and philosopher. You can find more out about him here at this link: Derekbartolacelli at Taplink where you can find all about the stuff he works on.

Check out the new edition of staying connected with CrossTalk on Telegram!

CrossTalk Telegram Chatroom

Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover. You can also just tag me in the chat or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

So, let's get started and move into our main topic today.

Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!