Welcome! Thank you for stopping by The One Great Work Network and my personal blog. My name is Sara Cross. I am a professional seamstress by trade but moonlight an artist, writer and now a radio show host on Revolution Radio. You will be able to find all my work here at the LinkTree provided. This has links to all the latest work I have done, all my platforms I post all videos and written articles on, all my social media pages, my donation options if you feel my work has provided some sort of benefit and some past events that I have had the pleasure of being a part of.

To introduce myself, I am 40 years old (2024), married and I have a rare genetic condition called Cystic Fibrosis. I have been a community activist for not only my local communities but of this condition as well for most of my adult life. My goals have always been to support and nurture the growth of all people, including those that are in a position such as this. Advocating for those who are unable to advocate for themselves is where my journey began in branching out to a wider focus in advocating for equal freedom for all human beings regardless of situation.

When even one person is a slave that is one person too many.

This process of personal growth has allowed me to build an understanding that we all have a part to play, big or small. My goals are to teach and encourage all to come to the understanding that they are capable of anything they would like to achieve because if I can do it, anyone can. There are no limits to our creative innovation. The parameters that we all must learn to understand and utilize are the keys we require in order to operate within this beautiful reality we share. 

With any luck the work you see here will convey this information clearly, explain how to use these parameters and give examples by showing how my personal experiences taught me undeniable truths so that you can reflect on your own life and personal experiences and see how that might match up, how it works and why it operates this way. From my own experiences I have learned that while you can study and learn all the information you want about reality through books and other resources made available and that are required in order to understand how to manage it all, sometimes you will only learn other aspects of reality that cannot be conveyed my others through experienced based proof.

Please be sure to email me or find me on social media if you have any thoughts, questions or topics you would like me to cover. I am so pleased to meet you!

Check out my radio show CrossTalk on Revolution Radio. You can listen to me live every Wednesday from 2pm-3pm EST/ 11am-12pm PST on Studio A.