About FreePhilosophy:
FreePhilosophy is the quest to discover something of the nature of the basic, ultimate Reality of Creation. It posits One Universe with inherent Natural Laws governing Existence. Sub-universes ("multiverses") are subordinate to the One Universe, which is Good. Certain sub-universes in response to trauma, can become opposed to Ultimate Creation, and accounts for the co-creation of entrapment sub-universes (Planet Earth is such a Matrix).
Any Being can create a sub-universe, and does so in building and maintaining a mind. Your mind is your own universe. It has no limits, except that it is real only to you, and those with whom you can share through communication. Your mind is what allows you to track with and navigate, the One Universe of Creation. The more your mind and your life and living, is in alignment with Natural Law, the better chance (yes, there is "chance" - it is a Universe that allows for randomity and especially, the unpredictable choices of Free Will) - the better chance you will have of leading a happy existence into Eternity.
What is Evil?
When a Being makes mistakes in navigating Existence with other Beings, it can be difficult to own up to these mistakes. Such a pattern reduces communication with others and brings about a state of individuation. Some part of this individuation is helpful to the personal growth of the individual learning how to best get along with and cooperate with, others. But taken to extremes, this individuation may lead to a condition of at first, defensive "opposition" to others, other Dynamics, and even Creation itself (this is due to increased identification of pain and suffering with all of Existence, even though Existence is fundamentally and basically Good, even thought the physical Universe presents hardships for life forms).
Evil is fundamentally a freewill decision as a response to trauma (pain and suffering). Not all Beings choose to deal with trauma in the same way, and this accounts for a wide variety of levels of Responsibility (a Being's assignment of cause or blame to various factors). Addressing trauma in a safe setting with interest and willingness to confront, helps one to straighten out incorrectly held assumptions adopted during moments of trauma or duress. Thus, a Being can repair and recover from past injuries, traumas and mistakes, and return his/her attention to his/her own purposes, strengthening the connection to these purposes, and restore willingness and ability.
All Beings are (were at one time) natively and basically Good. Not all are ready and willing to change, and these must for now be avoided and willing Beings sought for cooperation in the pursuit of worthy purposes - both ones own purposes, and those mutually adopted by agreement with others.
Evil can be understood as violent opposition to the natively good purposes of Beings and, in extreme cases, opposition to the Universe, itself. Being understood, it can be confronted. Being confronted and understood, Evil can be challenged, processed and, eventually, overcome.
This is the mission of FreePhilosophy.
Origin of FreePhilosophy:
FreePhilosophy was conceived by Scott Gordon, Auditor Class 0+ (Inner Work Specialist) to organize the basic, underlying structure and theory of FreeScientology processing ("Repetitive Socratic Questioning"). It is a study of Existence, its Natural Laws, and the interaction of subjective universes with the Objective Universe. It draws from insights developed from ancient wisdom (especially the iChing and ancient Taoist understanding of the fundamental elements and building blocks of Existence) and from exploring the subjective domain (individual Beings through Inner Work processing, or "auditing"). It was developed working back and forth from individual, subjective observation (greatly aided by the work of L. Ron Hubbard in gathering together the best working laws of processing in Scientology auditing therapy) - to Objective Existence - in the same manner as occurs in optimum processing.
FreePhilosophy brings philosophy, Inner Work guidance, and hope for improving Life, to the common person, and is dedicated to and inspired by, all living creatures of goodwill.
Any Being can create a sub-universe, and does so in building and maintaining a mind. Your mind is your own universe. It has no limits, except that it is real only to you, and those with whom you can share through communication. Your mind is what allows you to track with and navigate, the One Universe of Creation. The more your mind and your life and living, is in alignment with Natural Law, the better chance (yes, there is "chance" - it is a Universe that allows for randomity and especially, the unpredictable choices of Free Will) - the better chance you will have of leading a happy existence into Eternity.
What is Evil?
When a Being makes mistakes in navigating Existence with other Beings, it can be difficult to own up to these mistakes. Such a pattern reduces communication with others and brings about a state of individuation. Some part of this individuation is helpful to the personal growth of the individual learning how to best get along with and cooperate with, others. But taken to extremes, this individuation may lead to a condition of at first, defensive "opposition" to others, other Dynamics, and even Creation itself (this is due to increased identification of pain and suffering with all of Existence, even though Existence is fundamentally and basically Good, even thought the physical Universe presents hardships for life forms).
Evil is fundamentally a freewill decision as a response to trauma (pain and suffering). Not all Beings choose to deal with trauma in the same way, and this accounts for a wide variety of levels of Responsibility (a Being's assignment of cause or blame to various factors). Addressing trauma in a safe setting with interest and willingness to confront, helps one to straighten out incorrectly held assumptions adopted during moments of trauma or duress. Thus, a Being can repair and recover from past injuries, traumas and mistakes, and return his/her attention to his/her own purposes, strengthening the connection to these purposes, and restore willingness and ability.
All Beings are (were at one time) natively and basically Good. Not all are ready and willing to change, and these must for now be avoided and willing Beings sought for cooperation in the pursuit of worthy purposes - both ones own purposes, and those mutually adopted by agreement with others.
Evil can be understood as violent opposition to the natively good purposes of Beings and, in extreme cases, opposition to the Universe, itself. Being understood, it can be confronted. Being confronted and understood, Evil can be challenged, processed and, eventually, overcome.
This is the mission of FreePhilosophy.
Origin of FreePhilosophy:
FreePhilosophy was conceived by Scott Gordon, Auditor Class 0+ (Inner Work Specialist) to organize the basic, underlying structure and theory of FreeScientology processing ("Repetitive Socratic Questioning"). It is a study of Existence, its Natural Laws, and the interaction of subjective universes with the Objective Universe. It draws from insights developed from ancient wisdom (especially the iChing and ancient Taoist understanding of the fundamental elements and building blocks of Existence) and from exploring the subjective domain (individual Beings through Inner Work processing, or "auditing"). It was developed working back and forth from individual, subjective observation (greatly aided by the work of L. Ron Hubbard in gathering together the best working laws of processing in Scientology auditing therapy) - to Objective Existence - in the same manner as occurs in optimum processing.
FreePhilosophy brings philosophy, Inner Work guidance, and hope for improving Life, to the common person, and is dedicated to and inspired by, all living creatures of goodwill.
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