The Final War on the Human Race
- was knowingly and openly declared by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. It was then enforced by the full power of the United States corporate government with the declaration of a State of Emergency by the President of the United States corporation, Donald Trump, on Friday the 13th, March 13, 2020.
Within weeks, Donald Trump gave a little-covered and seemingly premature farewell address to the American people and was heard to distinctly communicate that he was proud to have served them, in a tone that seemed to also communicate that it was out of his hands. And so, looking back in retrospect now, it was.
Donald Trump had ceded the last vestiges of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. And whether such a legal instrument ever expired or not, neither Trump nor his successor would ever admit the declaration of "Pandemic" and "Emergency" were issued under false and therefore unconstitutional pretenses and authority.
Donald Trump, who before the clock ran out on his administration knew almost every aspect of the false premises underlying the declaration of "pandemic" and its basis for such claims resting solely on a misused and inconclusive PCR test, could have at any time revoked the State of Emergency used by governments throughout our nation to oppress people and their natural rights to travel and to trade for the things of survival in life.
President Trump not only chose not to cancel the State of Emergency under which Constitutional rights were ignored or outright ripped away, but he facilitated "Operation Warp Speed" which enabled the corporations of the New World Order to sidestep scientific studies and bring to market an abomination of slave-labor-manufactured vials of poison for injection into the bodies of the most panicked and desperate (mostly our elderly).
(By the way, I hope anyone can see this is no longer about politics. This is about humanity, and facts are facts. Donald Trump got involved with Rothschild finance, for real, and he made his choices for which "following orders" will never be an acceptable excuse.)
The initial roll-out of these toxic injections was no sooner getting its first wave of death to toxic reactions, than outright threats and coercion began to take shape across the nation under the new administration. We were soon to see the first violations of the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits coercion and compulsion in medical experiments.
The violations grew under cover of a lying media and suppressed reporting, until they became open and egregious. This state of war against the people was brought out into the open and was now to be directed at children. Children were in fact, taken hostage by the state from their parents, and are scheduled to become the next targets of these toxic injections.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not something ever provided for under the Constitution, and is therefore not a lawfully established authority over the people of the United States of America. Yet this agency and a consortium of unelected bureaucrats, intelligence agencies and military chiefs (who only serve because similarly false declarations of war perpetuate this standing army even in peacetime) seem now to be only serving unelected corporations, and all of them serving Evil.
Evil is now saying it owns the Earth and all its resources. Evil tells us we must not own anything - they will take care of all our needs for us. Evil has marked every one of its injections with whatever substance they are confident will not be expelled by the body and will confirm ones right to participate in society with a "pass."
Evil has always been around. We know this. What seems to be different this time is that Evil is confident that we will never again see Nuremberg trials, because they have the means, through technology and psychological warfare waged through corporate media, to assume complete control, claim total ownership, and eliminate any and all opposition to this hostile takeover of humanity and its Planet Earth.
Evil has long sought to leverage hunger and disease against human freedom and prosperity. Evil prints our money. Evil heads our corporations and has even turned the "United States" into just another corporation - just as subservient to Evil.
The Nuremberg laws cover everyone who materially participates in the coercion we are now experiencing like has not happened on such a scale since rights were stripped away from citizens during a war brought about by Evil for their own evil ends and objectives.
However, unlike when the Nuremberg trials were held and the code was formed, we are at the point where no superior agency or power is established to enforce the code.
It is time for the people of this planet to defend its natural law rights, to grow up, and to take charge of their own destiny in the name of all that is decent and righteous, and recognize that no corporation has the rights of a person or any right to dictate or control other human beings in any other manner than the right of self-defense.
The Nuremberg Code (1949) may be found and downloaded at the end of the linked article to this message. I urge you to read it carefully. It is not long, but it is explicit. We the people will hold everyone involved accountable no matter how far into the future this war - not of our making - takes us.
Here are two very relevant points for the time of this writing:
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
Let me be perfectly clear. NO ONE will be spared the judgement of G-d or man that is one day sure to follow. This includes for example, a teacher (such as I am) who observes any slightest measure of coercion coming against a student or parent, to being subjected to a toxic injection. This definitely includes the thousands of "Americans" who participated in and facilitated in any way, the extensive loss of healthcare and transportation industry workers of their livelihoods.
It's never too late to turn back, to make up the damages and be redeemed in ones humanity. There is no limit on love and creativity where the will to do what is right is present in all sincerity.
The "lost word" - so lost and so desperately needed - is "NO."